The City of Ottawa has implemented a Tree Protection By-law to safeguard the urban forest and preserve the natural beauty of the city. As a homeowner or property owner, understanding and complying with this by-law is essential, particularly when planning tree removal.

How Rock’s Tree Service Can Help

Navigating the Tree Protection By-law and obtaining the necessary permits can be a complex and time-consuming process. That’s where Rock’s Tree Service comes in. Our team of experienced tree experts is well-versed and can assist you every step of the way. We can help you determine whether your tree requires a permit to remove it and we will prepare the arborist report required in order to apply for the permit. Our experts ensure that your application is accurate and complete, minimizing delays and potential issues.

Partner with Rock’s Tree Service for Peace of Mind

When it comes to managing your trees and navigating Ottawa’s Tree Protection By-law, Rock’s Tree Service is your trusted partner. With our knowledge, experience, and commitment to excellence, we’ll ensure that your tree removal is conducted responsibly and in accordance with city regulations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in maintaining a healthy and vibrant urban forest in Ottawa.

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